Sign up and get involved

  • Car Show

    Want to register for the car show? Use the link below. The first 50 registered get a 2024 Shopiere Days dash plaque! It cost $10 per entry, paid day of the show.

  • Parade

    Enter a float and be a part of our parade! Held Sunday at noon. Lineup begins at 11 am on County J, east of Twin City Meat Packers.

    Forms available with the link below and are due no later than June 21. Contact Rachel (608-921-0351) or Grant (608-751-4715) with questions.

  • Vendor Market

    The Vendor Market will be open from 10 am to 5 pm Saturday and Sunday at Sweet Allyn Park.

    Vendors must fill out and return the registration form linked below by June 1. Cost is $35/space/day, with a $5 discount for vendors present both Saturday and Sunday. Contact or Ellie Trewyn at (608)-434-2030 with questions.

  • 5k and 10k

    Our 5k and 10k is held Saturday morning at 8 am. The 5k walk/run is $35 and the 10k run is $40.

    Register with the link below by June 22 to participate.

  • Sponsorship

    Shopiere Days is only possible through generous support from sponsors. Want to help ensure this tradition continues on for years to come? Fill out the form, linked below, to support us.

    We offer several sponsorship levels. Form, Payment and logos are due May 24 to guarantee radio spot and banners.